Thursday, June 6, 2013

Anniversary of 1948 Arab-Israeli War: In 2013, Palestinian Territories Still Occupied. Where's Justice?

Wednesday, June 5th marked the 46th anniversary of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In 2013, Palestinian territories are still occupied by Israeli military forces and their people face ongoing oppression. They are not allowed to freely move from place to place, their children are not allowed to pursue a decent education, they are harassed, detained, and even killed. Why is it that the Palestinian people don't have their own sovereign state?

The Palestinian people took to the streets to protest and had contact with Israeli soldiers in the process, leaving some demonstrators injured, Xinhua news reports. After all of these years, the Palestinian people refuse to be silenced and are still fighting for their right to freedom and independence.

I would agree with a statement made that the non-independent status of Palestine all comes down to politics, but that should not trump the Palestinian people's access to equal treatment, freedom from oppression, and human dignity.

Tags: Palestine, Israeli occupation, statehood, oppression, Ramallah, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem, 1948 Arab-Israeli War

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