Tuesday, September 18, 2012

French Magazine To Publish "Nude Images" of Prophet Muhammad On Wednesday

After recent widespread riots felt around the world and as far as Australia over a film depicting Prophet Muhammad, a French magazine is set to cause a similar uproar on Wednesday. The magazine, Charlie Hebdo, says that it will post "explicit images" of the Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday and cites freedom of speech as its reasoning for moving forward with the publication. Muslims consider images of the Prophet Muhammad to be blasphemy and punishment for this, in many middle eastern regions, is death. After an anti-Muslim film was released by an American many Muslims protested in cities across the world while chanting "Death To America." According to ABC News, there are more Muslims in France than in any other European country so the effects of moving forward with this publication could mean devastation in this area.

The anti-Muslim film resulted in lives being taken. Whether you are religious or not, everyone has the right to freedom of speech. But does the right to mock a religion take precedence over respect for the religions/beliefs of others? When you consider doing so will result in the loss of innocent human life, is acting on this freedom justified or at all worth it? What are your thoughts?

Photo courtesy of nydailynews.com

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Israel-Iran War: Is Time Running Out?

 Pressure for Iran to discontinue its nuclear program is longstanding. Israel has stated that they prefer to go to war with Iran before the start of the U.S November elections. Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated on more than one occasion that Israel must be "wiped from the map." Israeli government officials feel Iran's nuclear program is a threat to the entire state of Israel and that military action must be taken against Iran. On Tuesday Al Jazeera reports that the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu asked, "The world tells Israel: Wait, there's still time. And I say: wait for what? Wait until when?" 

 The number of casualties would be devastating as a result of war between Israel and Iran and would be felt by the entire world. It is a dire situation in which the international community is closely watching and many feel will cause World War 3. Is a war imminent?

Photo courtesy of pakalertpress.com

Free Syrian Army Accused Of Mass Executions (Video)

This video via Al Jazeera shows the devastation of what is taking place in Syria now. The already large number of casualties continues to rise as the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian government clash.

Texas School District Requires Students To Carry RFID Implanted ID Cards

For a Texas school district, it is required that students carry identification card. Well, nothing is new or unusual about this except that the card now has an RFID chip implanted in it that tracks the student's movements and it must be worn at all times. Some parents and students are outraged as they see this as invasion of privacy by those in power and something that will become more widespread. A video via AOL serviced on the subject and a Christian girl and her father go on to say it violates their religious rights as they think it is the mark of the beast.

Here is a link for the video:


What do you think about the RFID chip and the Christian family's opinion of the ID cards?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Turkish Woman Beheads Husband's Cousin; Alleges Rape

                                                                                                                                                    A 26-year-old Turkish woman shot and beheaded her husband's cousin over allegations that he continously raped her over eight months. She is now pregnant by the man and is sitting in jail awaiting her fate. Although she is alleging rape, she was in danger of being seriously hurt or killed had it come to light that she was pregnant by her husband's cousin. Turkey is a country in which women are responsible for their families honor, and dishonor usually results in death.

Pakistani Girl Charged With Blasphemy Let Out On Bail

Rimsha Masih is a young Christian girl whom was arrested and charged with blasphemy in August after she was accused of ripping pages of the Quran. In Pakistan, the penalty for blasphemy is death. It has come to light that a Muslim cleric, Khalid Jadoon, ripped the pages himself and placed them in Rimsha's belongings. On Saturday, Rimsha was let out on bail and flown via helicopter to be with her family to avoid citizens of the area taking 'justice into their own hands' and seriously hurting or killing her. It's interesting to note that the charges against Rimsha have not been dropped. According to the Daily Mail, The UK is looking to grant asylum to Rimsha and her family and this would help her to avoid going to trial. Even if Rimsha is acquitted of all charges, this case speaks volumes as to the fate of Christians still in the area, although many have left since Rimsha's arrest.
Photo courtesy of loonwatch.com

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sierra Leone Cholera Outbreak: Hundreds Dead

 A cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone has already left 300 people dead and the number of deaths are expected to rise. Sierra Leone's government has made a statement that over 15, 000 people are effected by the outbreak. The Telegraph is reporting that, overall, the government and WHO are estimating that 32, 000 people will be infected by this disease.

Photo courtesy of newspano.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 Year Old Girl Dead In Syria; Tragic Video Brings Light To Country's Civil War


This is a sad reality of what the people of Syria face everyday. This video from CNN details the day that a 4 year girl was shot in the face as she sat on her mother's lap inside of her home. Later that day, she was dead. Just last week alone, UNICEF is reporting that 1600 people died in Syria. CNN is reporting that 100, 000 Syrians fled the country during the month of August alone due to the war. When is enough, enough? As many as 100 Syrians are being killed daily; emergency help from the international community is what this country needs now.

Monday, September 3, 2012

NY Acid Attack: Woman In Critical Condition After Her Father Attacks Her With Acid

Darlene Lynch, 49, of the New York area is in critical condition after her elderly father threw acid in her face and over her body. ABC News is reporting that on Saturday 69 year old Jerome Lynch went to the kitchen in his home while his daughter sat on the couch, only to return and attack her with a cup of acid.
Jerome Lynch was charged with assault as a result of the attack.

It's sad what people, much more family, will do to each other. This case is tragic. Prayers go out for Darlene Lynch.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

11-Year Old Girl With Down Syndrome Framed By Muslim Cleric & Charged With Blasphemy

Rimsha Masih is an 11 year old Christian Pakistani girl with down syndrome. She is currently detained because she was accused of burning pages of the Qu'ran, which in Pakistan is blasphemy and is punishable by death. Today a Muslim cleric is being charged with framing her for the crime with allegations that he ripped pages out of the Qu'ran, burned them, and placed them in a bag of Rimsha's. Now, the cleric is being charged with blasphemy. There is pressure for Rimsha to be released to the custody of her family, although they have fled the area due to fear of being persecuted.Even though Rimsha may be released, there will still be a fear that Muslims in the region may seek "justice" of their own and hurt Rimsha.

Tensions between Christians and Muslims continue to worsen in the region.

This story is very sad in that a child with down syndrome was even sent to jail in the first place.

What do you think about blasphemy laws in Pakistan?

 Photo courtesy of loonwatch.com

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Race Highlights: The Stoning of Soraya M.

This movie is about the true story of an Iranian woman and the subject of honor killings. Sadly, this happens all too often. The United Nations reports that as many as 5,000 women a year are victims of honor killings. This movie is very moving and will make you aware of the injustice that these women face.

Police Brutality: Handcuffed Woman Beaten By L.A Police (VIDEO)

Michelle Jordan, a registered nurse from the Los Angeles area, was pulled over by the LAPD for talking on her cell phone while driving. This video shows the defenseless woman being slammed into the concrete twice by two police officers; once while handcuffed. She was charged with resisting arrest.

The occurrence of police brutality is all too common in the United States. It's disgusting. Instead of being fired and charged for their actions, one of the officers has been assigned to a desk job within the department. Know your rights and the laws in your area before it happens to you.