Friday, November 16, 2012

INJUSTICE: Police Officer Only Gets 4 Years For Beating Man To Death For A Crime He Did Not Commit

Spokane, Washington police officer Karl F. Thompson, Jr. was sent off in handcuffs after he was convicted and given given a 4-year prison sentence for the 2006 beating death of a man for a crime he did not commit.
According to ABC News, Otto Zehm, (pictured above), was a mentally disabled janitor whom was a regular at a local convenience store. That night, police had been receiving reports that there was someone who was taking money from citizens at ATMs. Officer Karl F. Thompson, Jr. arrived, allegedly assumed Zehm was the man and hit him with a baton more than seven times in eight seconds and also used a stun gun on him. Afterwards, Zehm was tied up, his mouth covered and a mask put over his face, and other officers sat on him.

Thompson, Jr. also lied to authoritites when questioned about the incident. Testimony from the courtroom syas that Zehm's last words were, "All I wanted was a Snickers bar."

This is the sick justice system we live in. Police brutality is at an all time high and citizens must continue to protest and fight for your rights, they are surely and slowly being taken away from us.

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