Monday, August 13, 2012

Family Honor: A Look at Honor Killings

After beheading his own daughter with a sword in mid June, Ogad Singh paraded around his village in Rajasthan, India with her head. With the sword in one hand and her head in the other, Singh walked into the local police station and said he was not sorry for his actions. Why, you ask? She eloped with a man two weeks prior, and Singh needed to restore his family's honor. In this village, his daughter's actions are looked upon as shameful.

Unfortunately, these crimes are not unheard of. According to the United Nations, an average of 13 women a day are victims of honor-related killings all across the world.

Here is a video detailing the shocking crimes.


  1. Very shocking statistics, but the first step is awareness, then action. There is no way this should be happening.
