Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Race For Humanity

What's in the news? Economic collapse. Unemployment. Famine. Homelessness and poverty. Senseless killings, such as the recent Colorado massacre. Police brutality towards defenseless women, infants, and men, such as what we've seen happen in Anaheim, California. "Zombie attacks." What is being glorified by the music industry? Drug addiction, murder, risky sex, and financial gain. But it's all okay, you know why? In exchange, we are given reality television, Facebook, awards shows, and any other form of entertainment that comes to mind that is directed towards the masses. What is wrong with this picture is that we as a people have become too distracted, unaware, and disconnected from these world events and have stopped asking questions. We have picked up our Ipads, logged onto social media, and agreed to turn a deaf ear on the tragedies that are occuring around us. We have become a society that has placed more concern on self and financial gain rather than on our purpose in life and the people around us.The greatest mistake that we can make is to refuse to think. Yes, this will be our ultimate downfall if we stand by and do nothing instead of taking action for the sake of humanity. We're waiting on the world to change, but change starts with self. Turn off your televisions, spend more time with your loved ones, use social media for a cause, and ask questions. Let's create change.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers, and good luck to your effort to be a megaphone to the inflicted pain going on around the world.
