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A former Navy Seal who was apart of the group that went into Pakistan after bin Laden states that he was, in fact, already shot in the head when they made it to the room he was in. Accounts from the White House first insisted that the Seals were in some sort of combat with bin Laden. That statement was then changed to say that there was no firefight, but that bin Laden was armed during the raid.
Well, the Navy Seal states that none of this is true.
In a book he wrote on the raid, "No Easy Day," he states that bin Laden wasn't even armed. He goes on to say that when the team of U.S Navy Seals made it upstairs to where bin Laden was, he had already sustained a gunshot wound to the head and was laying on the floor dying. The Seal says in the book that he believes bin Laden may have been shot in the head while looking out of the upstairs room when the Seals were going up the stairs after him. Although bin Laden was near death, the Seal states that the team continued to shoot him until he was.
The author of the book goes by the name of Mark Owen as a guise.
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